To receive announcements by email, please sign up for the CCC Announcements email list.
CCC 2024 proceedings are now available.
The detailed program for CCC 2024 is now available.
The local arrangements page for CCC 2024 is now live and registration information is available. The early registration deadline is June 30.
The list of accepted papers for CCC'24 has been posted.
The call for papers for CCC'24 has been posted. The submission deadline is February 16, 2024. The submission server is active.
CCC'24 will be held in Ann Arbor, MI.
The local arrangements page for CCC 2023 has been updated and registration information is now available. Registration deadlines are June 16 (early) and July 10 (late).
Travel allowances for attending CCC 2023 have been announced. Eligible students may apply here.
The list of accepted papers for CCC'23 has been posted.
The submission server for CCC'23 is now open and the call for papers (CFP) is available.
CCC'23 will be held in Warwick, UK.
The detailed program for CCC'22 is now available.
Travel allowances for attending CCC 2022 have been announced. Eligible students may apply here.
Information about local arrangements for CCC 2022 is now available.
The list of accepted papers for CCC'22 has been posted.
The salient points of the online conference format are available on the local arrangements page for for CCC'21. The day of tutorials planned for July 19 has been cancelled. The paper registration deadline is June 24. Participants may register through July 18.
The list of accepted papers for CCC'21 has been posted.
Due to the public health measures related to Covid-19 in place worldwide, CCC 2021 will not take place as a physical conference at Toronto, Ontario, Canada between July 20–23 as originally planned. Instead the conference will be held in a virtual online format during a subset of those days. The details of the conference format will be posted in due course.
The call for papers for CCC'21 has been posted. The submission deadline is February 15, 2021. The submission server is active.
The program, videos of talks, and proceedings of CCC'20 are now available.
The salient points of the online conference format are available on the local arrangements page for for CCC'20. The day of tutorials planned for July 27 has been cancelled. The paper registration deadline is July 1. Participants may register through July 30.
We are thrilled that Dieter van Melkebeek will receive the 2020 SIGACT Distinguished Service Award for his leadership in creating the Computational Complexity Foundation. We join SIGACT in congratulating Dieter.
The list of accepted papers for CCC'20 has been posted.
Due to the disruption caused by Covid-19, the notification date for CCC 2020 decisions has been moved to May 7, 2020.
Due to the public health measures related to Covid-19 in place worldwide, CCC 2020 will not take place as a physical conference at Saarbruecken, Germany, between July 28–31 as originally planned. Instead the conference will be held in a virtual online format during a subset of those days. The details of the conference format will be posted in due course.
The submission server for CCC'20 is now active.
The call for papers for CCC'20 has been posted. The submission deadline is February 17, 2020. The submission server is expected to open by mid November, 2019.
Slides of talks at CCC'19 provided by the speakers have been posted on the program page.
Videos of the invited talks at CCC'19 have been posted on the program page, and those for the preceding events, including the DIMACS Day of Complexity Tutorials, have been posted on the conferences page.
The proceedings of CCC'19 are available.
The program for CCC'19 has been posted.
Travel allowances for CCC'19 and the preceding DIMACS Day of Tutorials are available. Apply by May 31 for full consideration.
Details of the local arrangements for CCC'19 and the preceding events, including the DIMACS Day of Tutorials, are available. Early registration runs till June 26.
The list of accepted papers for CCC'19 has been posted.
The call for papers for CCC'19 has been posted. The submission deadline is February 19, 2019. The submission server is active.
Videos of the CCC'18 tutorials are available.
The proceedings of CCC'18 are available.
A discussion forum on the timing of CCC is open. Please express your thoughts on the pros and cons of the various options.
Travel allowances for CCC'18 are available to students. Apply by April 30 for full consideration.
The program and local arrangements for CCC'18 are available. Early registration runs till May 31.
The list of accepted papers for CCC'18 has been posted. The program will be posted here when ready.
The call for papers for CCC'18 has been posted. The submission deadline is January 24, 2018. The submission server is active.
Full-fledged lecture notes and videos for Avi Wigderson's tutorial sequence on operator scaling from CCC'17 are available.
The proceedings of CCC'17 are available, as are slides for most talks.
The proceedings of CCC'17 are available, as are slides for most talks, and videos of Avi Wigderson's tutorial sequence on operator scaling.
The dates for CCC'18 have been changed to June 22-24 (in San Diego). This is because the dates for STOC'18 were changed to June 25-29 (in LA).
A preliminary version of the CCC'17 proceedings is openly accessible here.
The program for CCC'17 is available. In addition to the contributed talks, it features 6 hours of tutorial on operator scaling by Avi Wigderson.
Travel allowances for CCC'17 are available to students and needy researchers. Apply by May 4 for full consideration.
Registration for CCC'17 is open. See the local arrangements website for more information.
Early registration for CCC'17 is open and runs until June 4. See the local arrangements website for more information.
The list of accepted papers for CCC'17 is posted. In addition to the contributed talks, CCC'17 will feature a 6-hour tutorial on operator scaling by Avi Wigderson.
The local arrangements website for CCC'17 is available.
CCC'17: Call for Papers
The notification of acceptance date for CCC'17 has been changed from April 26 to April 19, 2017.
The call for papers for CCC'17 has been posted. The submission deadline is February 15, 2017. The submission server is active.
The open access proceedings of CCC'16 are online. See the conference program for links to the papers.
Registration for CCC'16 is open. Early registration deadline is April 10.
The list of accepted papers for CCC'16 is posted.
Travel allowances for CCC'16 are available to students and needy researchers. Application deadline is March 24th.
CCC'16 takes place in Tokyo, Japan from May 29 until June 1. Check out the local arrangements web site for the program and other info.
CCC'16 will take place in Tokyo, Japan from May 29 until June 1. Check out the local arrangements web site.
CCC'16 will take place in Tokyo, Japan from May 29 until June 1. A call for papers will be posted later in the summer.
Notes of the CCC'15 Business Meeting and related documents are available from the CCF website.
Boaz Barak has been elected by the membership of the Computational Complexity Foundation (CCF) as a new Trustee of CCF.
The special issues of CCC'16, CCC'17, and CCC'18 will appear in the open access journal Theory of Computing.
The open access proceedings of CCC'15 are online. See the program for links to the papers.
CCC'15 takes place June 17-19 in Portland, Oregon as part of FCRC'15. Check out the local arrangements page.
CCC'15 will take place June 17-19 in Portland, Oregon as part of FCRC'15. Check out the local arrangements page for:
The list of accepted papers for CCC 2015 has been posted. The program will be posted here when it is ready.
Hotel information for CCC 2015 is available now from the FCRC web site.
The submission deadline for CCC 2015 has passed. Acceptance notifications will be sent in early February.
The call for papers for CCC 2015 is posted. The submission deadline is November 26, 2014. The submission server is active.
CCC'15 will take place June 17-19 in Portland, Oregon as part of FCRC'15.
We have officially applied for CCC'15 to be part of FCRC'15. The call for papers for CCC'15 will be posted by the end of September.
Welcome to the new web site of the independent Computational Complexity Conference!